
Hi, I’m Cynthia Riegle

I am passionate about helping people hear what their animals have to say. Animals are fascinating in that they hold the answers to many questions. As a professional communicator, I can hear their messages not just intuitively, but as a result of in depth conversations. These messages are conveyed through our heart centers. Telepathic animal communication is an empathic, heartfelt connection. Animals communicate this way with other species which in turn helps humans gain a greater understanding of who they are. 

In spirit, wild or at the foot of our bed, animals are in our lives to lovingly support and teach us so that we grow. I offer animal communication sessions and the healing energy of reiki, so that they are supported.


Animals aren’t all fluff, they are here for the nitty gritty things of life. Our animals are here in our lives with a purpose.
So giving them a voice, is your greatest gift to them.


What i know for sure…

  • When I connect with an animal, they’re often waiting for me. 

  • Animals are here to guide and influence your growth.

  • Animals you’ve had a relationship with can forgive, send love and give advice from the other side.

  • Animals who share life experiences often reside together in Heaven. 

  • Some animals bring in people from your family who have passed, to offer their advice.

  • Some animals can give Reiki to humans and it feels wonderful!

  • To draw attention to an issue, animals will behave in a variety of ways.

  • Giving them a voice will explain so much!

 “It was such a wonderful experience for Oliver and I. I feel such a sense of peace and calm about Oliver’s state of mind, his physical aches and pains, and how he’s adjusting to things that have changed in our lives over the years. This was such a comfort and I am so grateful for Cynthia’s beautiful way of connecting with him and also connecting with me.”

Laura Fox, and Ollie


Animal Communication

Find out exactly what your animals are thinking, feeling and what they have been waiting to say to you!

Behavior Consultations

Sometimes you need a little extra attention to really understand how you can help your animals, I can help!

Reiki for Animals

Fully support your animals health and well-being with a Reiki Healing Session. A great compliment to Animal Communication.


Featured Stories

Visit Stories & More to learn tips to help your animal and amazing stories of connection and communication.